9th scenic spot around Kanazawa
Wu Hong
Kazumi Kashimura
"2010年よりBankART school参加を機に表現活動を開始。 ものづくりや写真を通じ「ありふれたもの」を「よく見て捉え直す」表現をめざしています。 建設部門 技術士(都市及び地方計画)"
※ This program is for the enjoyment of individual users and not for profit. Downloading and uploading kikimimi world's tours to an audio device is the responsibility of the individual.
It is prohibited by law to manipulate, broadcast (wireless or wired), screen publicly with the intention of gaining profit, or send to others on the internet the audio files and images.
- ナビゲーションシステムではありませんので、一部案内が不完全なところもございます。道に迷いながらの散策も「聞き耳ワールド」の楽しみのひとつとご理解の上、お楽しみください。
- 出てくる会話の内容や、固有名詞、コース中に立ち寄るお店の定休日、突然の閉店、施設内の催事変更(例:展覧会)など、収録時と現在の状況が異なる場合もございます。予めご了承ください。
- コースを歩かれる際は、安全に充分にご注意ください。イヤホンは片耳だけ使用していただくなど、周囲の交通状況につねに留意しながら“お散歩”を楽しんでください。
- There may be areas of inaccuracy because the audio files are not navigation systems. In case you get lost, we hope you enjoy exploring unfamiliar streets and consider it as a part of the experience.
- Please understand that conversations, stores and objects mentioned in the audio tours may not be the same during the walk due to circumstances such as holidays, store closings, limited time galleries, etc.
- Please take full safety precautions during the audio tour. We advise you to follow safety precautions such as using only one earphone and keeping aware of the traffic as you enjoy the tour.